
Southwestern Bell S60861 High Speed DSL Filter Review

Southwestern Bell S60861 High Speed DSL Filter
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Noise interference became a big problem when I added Earthlink DSL service to the telephone line that also has six wired and two cordless telephones connected to it.I already owned three line filters and needed five more, so I purchased three from Southwestern Bell S60861 High Speed DSL Filters for $3.30 each, and two Z-275P2J filters from Excelus for about $14 each (Excelus was recommended by Earthlink and the Excelus website said that installations consisting of five or more phones required the use of the more expensive Z-275P2J, which had additional filtering capabilities). Noise problem solved.

Later on, I stumbled upon two brand X filters at garage sale for $0.05 each and bought them out of curiosity to see how well they compared to the more expensive Excelus units that I paid $14 a piece. Well, to my suprise there was no detectable difference because all my telephones sounded just as good. Bottom line: No matter how many telephones you have connected to telephone line that supplies your DSL signal, save yourself some money and buy the less expensive ones from Southwestern Bell.

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Product Description:
All telephone devices in your DSL-enabled household should be connected via a filter like Southwestern Bell's S60861. This low pass filter protects voice devices (telephones and faxes) from high frequency noise and also preserves the DSL signal by removing noise that's added by analog phones.

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