
RCA 4-Line System Phone with Caller ID Review

RCA 4-Line System Phone with Caller ID
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Phone looks nice and has a clean ergonomic design.The sound quality is good.OK - That's it.That's all I can say positive about the phone.

I purchased a base station and remote phones to use for my Home Office and the remainder of my home.I bought this to replace a phone that was about 5 years old that had served me well but was degrading in sound quality.The way I've always used the phone is, my home line is Line 1 and my BUSINESS line is Line 2.I used the business line (Line 2) all day long and my wife and kid use the home line (Line 1) all day long.We could interchange handsets or use the base for either Line 1 or Line 2.I assumed that any multi-line BUSINESS phone developed in the last 20 years would allow the same.Not this RCA Phone!

Get this...You can only use 1 phone at a time, despite having multiple phone lines. You can use the base station OR a handset.You can NEVER use Line 1 and Line 2 at the same time on separate phones!If you attempt to use a handset while on the base for example, it states, "Base in Use".Was this designed in the 1970s?

I couldn't believe that the phones would work this way, so I called their Customer Service line.The gentleman said, "Just think of your handsets as an extension of the base.You wouldn't have 2 people on the base at the same time would you?"He thought this made sense.He suggested that I just buy another Base phone for every handset I wanted to put throughout my house!That made sense to him too.

Please - If you plan to be an Engineer or if you plan to go in to Marketing, do not go in to phone design or marketing if the RCA phone design makes sense to you.This is not a practical phone to use unless you will NEVER have more 1 person in your house or office AND you will never have to quickly switch from your base to your handset... remember, they both can't be on the same line at the same time.

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RCA 4-Line System Phone with Caller ID

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