
Samsung YP-E64 Yepp MP3 Player Review

Samsung YP-E64 Yepp MP3 Player
Average Reviews:

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I just got the Samsung Yepp and I think it's a great player.From the moment you open the box it definitely has that "touch me, feel me" look to it.This thing is very very small (smaller than Iexpected from pictures on the web), I'd say about the size of a deck ofcards.You can easily "palm" it in your hand, and it weighsalmost NOTHING (I hardly notice it when it's in my pocket, I think it'slighter than my wallet).This certainly beats carrying around a discmanand a caselogic.
The sound quality is excellent (The earbuds that comewith it are okay, but I prefer my Sony Fontopias).The controls areintuitive, and the PC interface software is easy to use (Make sure to getthe newest version from the samsung website).The voice recorder isdefinitely a nice bonus; it's great for recording lectures in class.Idon't use the phonebook feature b/c I have a Palm Pilot, but that's also anice feature.
My only reservations are that:
It only plays MP3 format,unlike other players which also support RMA, WMA, etc.
There's nobacklighting for the LCD.
No USB yet (but due out soon).
If you candeal without these extras for now, this player is for you.If you shoparound, you can find this player a lot cheaper than any other player outthere.

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Product Description:
Samsung's YP-E64 Yepp MP3 player is a shockproof portable MP3 playerthat can deliver uninterrupted digital-quality sound--even when the listener ison the go--because it has no moving parts. With 64 MB of built-in flash memoryand the ability to expand the memory with SmartMedia cards, you can store enoughmusic for your listening pleasure. Its 3-D audio setting and seven-modeequalizer further enhance your listening experience. You can download MP3 filesfrom the Internet or other online services, then create a personal playlist totake with you.
Samsung's Yepp's three-line LCD panel allows easy navigation through yourcustomized playlist by showing the song, the artist, and the track number. TheYepp MP3 player can also be used as a telephone directory, storing up to 350names and numbers. It also functions as a portable recorder, storing up to twohours of voice recording.
The Yepp comes with RealJukebox music management software. It runs on two AAAbatteries, which will power the Yepp for up to 10 hours.

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