
AT&T EP590-2 - 5.8GHz 2-Line Cordless Expansion Handset Review

AT&T EP590-2 - 5.8GHz 2-Line Cordless Expansion Handset
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Although a lot of this has been said by others, I thought it important to weigh in.My previous system was a Panasonic TGX4000B that finally gave up the ghost.It was better designed and had more features, but poorer audio quality.Almost the reverse of this unit.I have been using this unit since May, so I am pretty used to its flaws and good points.Here are my peeves:

*You can't delete messages while you are listening to them.You have to go back and listen to them again to delete.

*Same problems deleting Caller ID displays.It is a 2-3 button process.

*As stated by others, you really cannot know when you are interrupting someone on the other line.

*Almost every phone I have used has a timer for the call.I just assumed there was one.Silly me.Makes billing clients a little more artistic.

*As stated by others, the outgoing message quality stinks.

OK... now that I have slammed the phone, it does have some positives:

*Apart from the outgoing message quality, the general audio quality I find to be excellent.

*I work between an office and a secretarial station.Not a great distance, but never a problem in carrying the handheld.

*The base unit is compact, and both units have easy-to-read displays

*The message indicator on the handheld unit is noticeable.

*Call conferencing was easy to use, but not because it was shown on the handheld.

*I've never had a battery problem on the handheld.

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Product Description:
AT&T EP590-2 - 5.8GHz 2-Line Cordless Expansion Handset

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