
Cisco-Linksys HPN100 HomeLink Phoneline Network Card Review

Cisco-Linksys HPN100 HomeLink Phoneline Network Card
Average Reviews:

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Installed the Linksys HomeLink PhoneLine Network Cards on Win 95 and XP operating systems with the Linksys HomeLink Phoneline 10M cable/dsl router. The phoneline NIC's work great, easy to setup, and not a single problem with them. If you have a Linksys HomeLink Phoneline 10M cable/dsl router, this is the NIC to get for it.

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Product Description:
The Linksys HomeLink Phoneline network card lets you connect up to 25PCs over a home's existing phone lines without having to buy extra hardware.Using AMD's PCnet-Home technology, this card allows phone lines to carry data ata 1 Mbps transfer rate without interrupting regular telephone service or feedsfrom a cable or DSL modem. You can talk on the telephone, download files fromthe Internet, and share resources over a network all at the same time. Everystandard telephone jack in the home is capable of hosting a PCI-equippedcomputer, thus transforming the home's telephone wiring into an easilyexpandable network. With a 10Base-T port on the card as well, you can migrate toa 10 Mbps Ethernet whenever you want.
The Linksys HomeLink Phoneline network card comes with a five-year warranty.

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