
Caller ID with Phone Ring Controller Review

Caller ID with Phone Ring Controller
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I purchased this product for one primary reason - to block specific callers from ringing my phone.While this caller ID does have other fuctions, this was, for me, the only reason I purchased it.

Unfortunately, it failed at this job and even created other problems.Each time someone on the "blocked" list called the phone would ring for a fraction of a second.Doesn't sound bad, but it was.At times it was more jarring than having the phone ring normally.Also, at least once, one of the blocked callers got through.Not sure why that happened.

In order for this product to attempt to control who gets through and who doesn't it has to be the first thing connected to your primary phone jack.While that's logical, it also creates a problem that will be a negative for anyone with more than one phone.This caller ID blocked the ID information from being forwarded to my two phones.So the phone rings and the only way you'll know who's calling is to get up and look at the base unit that could be in another room or even on the other side of the house.Very inconvenient.

I used this caller ID for about a week and I knew it wasn't going to work.It barely did what it was supposed to and was more of a hassle than anything else.I contacted Smarthome, the Amazon distributor, and they were very courteous and took the item back and paid for the shipping back to them.I'd probably purchase from them again given how they handled the situation.But as for this product, I really can't think of anyone who would find it useful given its limitations.

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Product Description:
A MINI COMPUTER FOR YOUR PHONE______ Normal caller ID only can display incoming phone number and telephone company will charge you $5/month to BLOCK unwanted caller____The Phone Ring Controller is a completed IT system, It does normal caller ID work: keeping track of up to 100 phone numbers. It has database: You can store 100 names and phone numbers into your important A-list, which is anyone you want to talk to any time. You can also store 150 phone numbers into your B-list, which is you only want to talk to at certain times. Which phone only ring at certain times, the time you allow them to call. Finally, you have got the R-List (20 names and numbers), which stands for reject callers. ____visit www.jfteck.com____ Over a 24 hour day, you can set up Ring List A only, Ring List A and B only or Ring all except List R hour by hour.____ You are absolutely in control of your phone now! ____The result: No more annoying interruptions! You do not have to know which calls are unwanted, you only need to know who you want to talk to and the machine will handle the rest! ___jfteck.com for detail___Stop junk faxes save your money and protect your Fax Machine.

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